Read more about our services below
- Experimental/technical services
- Animal Models
- Animal models for drug testing
- Animal models of pathology
- Animal operation and surgery
- Bone marrow transplant
- Gene knockin mouse
- Gene (conditional) knockout mouse
- Genotyping
- Intravital microscopy
- Phenotyping
- Small animal imaging
- Tissue/cell isolation and analysis
- Transgenic animal
- Xenograft tumor models
- Others
- Viral Transfection
- Model Organisms
- Molecular Biology-RNA
- RIP-seq
- RNA electrophoresis
- RNA extraction and isolation
- circRNA-seq
- RNA labeling
- CLIP-seq
- RNA injection
- In vitro transcription
- RNAi
- MeRIP-Seq
- RNA-seq
- microRNA
- RNA splicing
- microRNA-seq
- RNase protection assay
- Northern blotting
- Nuclear Run-on assay
- (In situ) RT-PCR
- PAS-seq
- Translation
- PolyA-seq
- Others
- Primer extension
- Reverse transcription (RT) & cDNA synthesis
- Imaging
- Antibody
- Tissue Collection and Histology Studies
- Others
- Cell Biology
- Cell organelles
- Cell synchronization
- Cellular staining
- Chromosome
- Flow cytometry
- iPS cells
- Metabolic labeling
- Adhesion and mobility
- ROS quantification
- Angiogenesis assay
- Senescence assay
- Primary cell isolation and application
- Apoptosis
- Signal transduction
- Cancer cells
- Stable cell lines
- Cancer stem cells
- ES cells
- Cell culture
- Others
- Cell fractionation
- Cell growth and cytotoxicity
- Cell invasion assay
- Bioinformatics and Biostatistics
- High Throughput Screening
- Glycobiology
- Glycan separation
- Glycan-specific antibodies
- Glycosaminoglycans (GAG) analysis
- Glycosyltransferases
- Glycome profiling
- Glycosphingolipid analysis
- GPI anchor analysis
- Labeling of glycans
- Lectin blotting and array
- N-glycan analysis
- O-glycan analysis
- Others
- FACE (Fluorophore-assisted carbohydrate electrophoresis)
- Glycan profiling
- Glycan release from proteins
- Hematology Studies
- Molecular Biology-DNA
- DNA methylation analysis
- Others
- DNA labeling
- DNA sequencing
- Mutagenesis
- Southern blotting
- Molecular cloning
- Oligonucleotide
- Phage
- Plasmid
- Promoter cloning, characterization and transcription analysis
- cDNA
- Dot and slot blot
- BS-seq
- Gel shifting
- ChIP-seq
- In vitro transcription
- DNA extraction & purification
- Transcription
- Genetics and Genomics
- Cytogenetics
- DNA microarray
- Epigenetics
- Gene expression
- Gene therapy
- Genetic mapping
- Targeted genome/gene editing
- Genotyping
- Microsatellite
- SNP analysis
- Transgenic techniques
- Others
- High throughput sequencing and analysis
- Draft genome of Funji
- Eukaryotic transcriptome sequencing
- Eukaryotic full length cDNA sequencing
- Human genome sequencing
- Human whole exome sequencing
- Metagenome
- 16s rDNA sequencing
- Animal and plant genome
- Complete genome of Bacteria/Archaea
- Draft genome of Bacteria/Archaea
- Bacterial transcriptome sequencing
- Fine genome of Funji
- Cancer genetics
- Chromosome and nucleosome structure
- Proteomics
- Lipid/Membrane Biochemistry
- Endoplasmic reticulum
- Others
- Functions of lipids
- Golgi
- Ion channels
- Lipids in cellular structures
- Lipid-protein interactions
- Lipoprotein particles
- Membrane fusion
- Membrane lipids
- Membrane proteins
- Membrane transport
- Metabolism of lipids
- Structures of lipids
- Structure of membrane
- Secretory pathways
- Endocytosis
- Vesicular transport
- Protein Biochemistry
- Animal Models
- Antibody production/Sequencing
- Custom polyclonal Ab production
- Package1a: From antigen protein to antisera
- Package1b: From antigen protein to purified ployclonal Ab
- Package2a: From antigen protein expression to antisera
- Package2b: From antigen protein expression to purified ployclonal Ab
- Package3a: From peptide synthesis to antisera
- Package3b: From peptide synthesis to purified polyclonal Ab
- Custom monoclonal Ab production
- Antibody Sequencing Service
- Antigen protein expression and purification
- Custom polyclonal Ab production
- Software
- Consulting/editing services