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Human Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor ELISA Kit

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Human Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor ELISA Kit
Erpan Tech In stock


Product Cat#: EK-07-0085
Product name: Human Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor ELISA Kit
Target Name: NTRK2
Species Reactivity: Human  
Product Size: 48/96 Tests
Sensitivity: 0.06 ng/mL
Assay range: 0.5-10 ng/mL   
Assay Time: 90 minutes  
Platform: Colorimetric Microplate Reader  
Conjugate: HRP
ELISA Type: Competitive ELISA
Detection Method: Colorimetric
Storage temperature: Store at 2-8°C  
Stability: Stable within the expiration date under suggested storage conditions
Shipping condition: Wet ice
Kit Contents: Microtiter plate (1x), Enzyme conjugate (1 vial), Standard samples (6 vials),  
            Substrates (A & B, 2 vials), Stop solution (1 vial), Wash Solution (100x, 1 vial),
            Balance solution (1 vial), Instruction (1 copy)  
Other Names of Target: Agammaglobulinaemia tyrosine kinase; AGMX 1; AGMX1; AT; ATK; B cell progenitor kinase; B-cell progenitor kinase; BPK; Bruton agammaglobulinemia tyrosine kinase; Bruton tyrosine kinase; Bruton’s Tyrosine Kinase; IMD 1; IMD1; MGC126261; MGC126262; OTTHUMP00000063593; PSCTK 1; PSCTK1; Tyrosine protein kinase BTK; Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK; XLA. 


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Target information

Receptor tyrosine kinase involved in the development and the maturation of the central and the peripheral nervous systems through regulation of neuron survival, proliferation, migration, differentiation, and synapse formation and plasticity (By similarity). Receptor for BDNF/brain-derived neurotrophic factor and NTF4/neurotrophin-4. Alternatively can also bind NTF3/neurotrophin-3 which is less efficient in activating the receptor but regulates neuron survival through NTRK2. Upon ligand-binding, undergoes homodimerization, autophosphorylation and activation . Recruits, phosphorylates and/or activates several downstream effectors including SHC1, FRS2, SH2B1, SH2B2 and PLCG1 that regulate distinct overlapping signaling cascades. Through SHC1, FRS2, SH2B1, SH2B2 activates the GRB2-Ras-MAPK cascade that regulates for instance neuronal differentiation including neurite outgrowth. Through the same effectors controls the Ras-PI3 kinase-AKT1 signaling cascade that mainly regulates growth and survival. Through PLCG1 and the downstream protein kinase C-regulated pathways controls synaptic plasticity. Thereby, plays a role in learning and memory by regulating both short term synaptic function and long-term potentiation. PLCG1 also leads to NF-Kappa-B activation and the transcription of genes involved in cell survival. Hence, it is able to suppress anoikis, the apoptosis resulting from loss of cell-matrix interactions. May also play a role in neutrophin-dependent calcium signaling in glial cells and mediate communication between neurons and glia.


Erpantech Laboratory


MSDS-EK-07-0085.pdf (143 downloads)